It's time to Get Unstuck & Move Forward

Tired of longing for more, feeling powerless, or uncertain of the next steps? Feeling dissatisfied with your life, overwhelmed with your goals, or anxious about change?

Start taking control of your life and live it the way you truly want. Enroll and discover the science, the psychology, and the strategies you need to get out of this rut.


You’re standing in front of a door, and on the other side lies your dream life, filled with excitement, fulfillment, and success. But here’s the catch:

That darn door seems to be locked, and – no matter how hard you look – the key is nowhere to be found.

Hits a little too close to home, right?

Feeling stuck is like being caught in a never-ending loop of Groundhog Day. You wake up each morning with a sense of dissatisfaction, like you’re on a hamster wheel going nowhere – fast. It can leave you feeling restless, unmotivated, and even questioning your purpose.

Feeling trapped instigates even more negative self-talk, causing a cycle of self-limiting beliefs and a lack of self-confidence. It’s like being in quicksand: desperately trying to get out yet being sucked in deeper with each movement.

All of these negative feelings make moving forward feel like an uphill battle. One of the biggest reasons is fear – that sneaky little gremlin that loves to whisper doubts and worries into your ear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of what others might think. It’s like having a tiny voice in your head shouting, “Don’t do it! Stay right where you are!”

Then there are those external factors that can turn up the heat on your stuckness. Maybe it’s the expectations society places on you, the responsibilities you feel tied to, or the financial constraints that make it seem impossible to break free. It’s like having a bunch of invisible ropes holding you back, making it tough to spread your wings and soar.


You’re not alone. Thousands of people (including me) have been in a rut, especially since the pandemic…

  • 2021 Research (Oracle)

    → 75% reported feeling "professionally trapped."
    → 70% reported feeling trapped "has spilled over into personal lives."
    → 40% reported feeling trapped increases stress and worry.
    → 29% reported increased stress and worry led to "feeling stuck personally."
    → 83% reported feeling "ready to make a change."

  • 2023 Research (Virgin Media O2)

    → 61% reported feeling "stuck in a rut."
    → 12% reported wanting a new partner.
    → 30% reported wanting a new job.
    → 1 out of 7 people want new friends.
    → 59% reported feeling "ready to make a change."


YOU have the power to shake off those chains and take control of your destiny! How?

Well, it starts with recognizing that you deserve to live a life that brings you joy and fulfillment. You gotta let go of the past that no longer serves you, embrace your unique talents, dreams, and desires, and let them guide you towards your path of awesomeness.

Moving forward doesn’t mean making giant leaps all at once. It’s about taking one small, brave step at a time. Celebrate your victories, no matter how tiny they may seem. And when you stumble or face setbacks (because, hey, life happens), be kind to yourself and use those experiences as stepping stones to learn and grow.

It took a ton of hard work, dedication, perseverance, and patience to get unstuck from my past limitations and move forward to build the life I envision. I want to help you shortcut the process so you can stop living on autopilot and begin fulfilling your fullest potential NOW.

So enroll in this course to learn how to believe in yourself, tap into your strengths, and embrace your journey with courage, determination, and a sprinkle of self-love. The world is waiting for you to shine your light and make your mark.

Let’s unlock that door together and step into the dream life that awaits!

Your Certified Productivity Life Coach

Emily Guerra

Productivity Life Coach

Certified Personal Productivity Life Coach | Creator of The Productivity Flow Throughout my journey forward, I’ve discovered that my personal purpose is empowering fellow women entrepreneurs’ personal development so they can unlock their fullest potential professionally. I’m beyond eager to offer clarity, motivation, examples, and realistic practices, and plan to expand The Productivity Flow into an inspiring community of badass women helping each other fulfill their visions. Want to know I went from feeling stuck to unstoppable? Head to theproductivityflow.com/about


Discover why you're stuck plus how to get unstuck now & stay unstuck forever!

I believe in learning my doing, so this eCourse comes with a workbook full of activities & resources, extra FREE printable implementation tools & opportunities for 1-1 support so you feel empowered to start moving forward immediately!

  • 4 modules with short, digestible lessons

  • The Get Unstuck Self-Coacher: a workbook with lesson activities

  • EXTRA printable tools for your Moving Forward Toolkit post-course

  • Q&A via t

  • 30% of all 1-1 coaching programs post-course

What Does Mindset Have To Do With
Getting Unstuck?

  • Thoughts Drive Behavior

    Learn how to increase your emotional awareness so you can catch those self-doubts & negate them with more accurate, optimistic facts. Once you remove self-limiting beliefs & understand the value of a growth mindset, you suddenly start to see possibilities to move forward.

  • Behavior Drives

    Since your open mind is seeing possibilities to move forward, you feel more empowered to take action. When you take action, you move forward - even if just 1% at a time. Learn what actions to take to grow your self-confidence so you can feel more comfortable taking the necessary next steps.

  • Results Drive

    With each step you take, you prove to yourself that you can move forward. Even when you misstep, you have the right tools in place to reroute so you never feel stuck again. Learn how to maintain self-awareness & motivation for any future situations, plus you can retake this eCourse at any time!


Once you've completed the course, you'll also get a FREE 1-1 hour-long coaching session. Find out how to consistently take action so you're always moving forward

  • Understand the science behind your thought process

  • Gain the self-empowerment skills to train your mindset and overcome fears

  • Learn how to objectively analyze and rewrite the narratives in your head

  • Discover why goals can keep you stuck and how to hold long-term intentions instead

  • Get 7 proven strategies to get U.N.S.T.U.C.K

How to Get Unstuck & Move Forward Payment Plans

You have 3 pricing options →

Once you've completed the eCourse, you'll also get a FREE 1-1 coaching hour-long session & 30% off my coaching programs!

Want 1-1 Productivity Life Coaching?

Once you complete the eCourse, you get a FREE 20-minute 1-1 session so I can answer questions & we can create your Moving Forward Action Plan together!

If you'd like to cover more during our 1-1, you can instead get a
25% DISCOUNT on a 60-minute session!

Don't want to wait? Click the button below to book a coaching session now!

Blogs for Your Self-Growth & Productivity Skills

MORE mindset shift strategies

Working for yourself can feel overwhelming at times. That’s why it’s important to view your entrepreneurial journey as your self-empowerment journey, too!

Having started freelancing so young, I know what it’s like to suffer from impostor syndrome, to internalize that critic in your head, and to feel like you’ll never be efficient enough to get it all done. So my goal is to help you shift your mindset to feel more empowered and boost your work-from-home productivity!

Each blog serves as a comprehensive guide for different self-improvement strategies, growth mindset techniques, and productivity tools that will get you unstuck, inspire personal growth, and reach your full potential.

Get unstuck.
Become unstoppable.

Get the guidance, motivation & right tools to empower yourself & reach your full potential in less time...