Blogs for Your Self-Growth & Productivity Skills

MORE mindset shift strategies

Working for yourself can feel overwhelming at times. That’s why it’s important to view your entrepreneurial journey as your self-empowerment journey, too!

Having started freelancing so young, I know what it’s like to suffer from impostor syndrome, to internalize that critic in your head, and to feel like you’ll never be efficient enough to get it all done. So my goal is to help you shift your mindset to feel more empowered and boost your work-from-home productivity!

Each blog serves as a comprehensive guide for different self-improvement strategies, growth mindset techniques, and productivity tools that will get you unstuck, inspire personal growth, and reach your full potential.

Want 1-1 Productivity Life Coaching?

Sometimes we need more than an online course...

If you want a little extra guidance creating & implementing your self-improvement plan, boosting your work-from-home productivity, changing your mindset & holding yourself accountable, click the button below to book one of my available coaching sessions!

Your Instructor

Emily Guerra

Productivity Life Coach

Certified Personal Productivity Life Coach | Creator of The Productivity Flow Throughout my journey forward, I’ve discovered that my personal purpose is empowering fellow women entrepreneurs’ personal development so they can unlock their fullest potential professionally. I’m beyond eager to offer clarity, motivation, examples, and realistic practices, and plan to expand The Productivity Flow into an inspiring community of badass women helping each other fulfill their visions. Want to know I went from feeling stuck to unstoppable? Head to